
The Art Center of NCHU averagely holds eight various art exhibitions every year. We believe that art can bring peace of mind and grow humanity in the heart to cope up with different obstacles in life through a balanced spirit by appreciating the beauty of works. At the same time, we also have a consummate collection room and equipment that many artists trust and are willing to donate their great works to NCHU. After over 30 years of efforts and review by our adjudicators, we now have more than 1,500 collections that contain a diverse, rich assortment of works. It is certainly one of the major features of the school art center.
Spring Art: A Joint Exhibition of the Art Center’s Collections
18th February to 6th March 2021

To extend the Influence of art collections, we laid out a joint exhibition of the Art Center's collections with the theme of "Spring Art" to present the beautiful and dynamic moment of spring in Taiwan through the renowned artists' painting.

Traces of Brush and Ink: Celebrated Artists' Works of Calligraphy and Ink Wash Painting in NMH Collection
11th March to 23rd April 2021

For more than six decades since the National Museum of History’s inauguration, numerous exhibitions focusing on the genre of calligraphy, ink wash painting, and a substantial amount of literati art collection are the representation of our cultural richness. Art evolves with time and will culminate into the valuable culture and subject consciousness that embraces the past and the present. For the art of calligraphy and ink-wash painting, the cultural significance and value are the core of the subject's consciousness. Literati art is nurtured in the artist’s homeland, resembling local culture and characteristics with distinctive expressions. Different landscapes and environments evoke diverted feelings, cultivate differences in sentiments and aesthetic tastes, which lead to the various painting schools based in distinct areas. Taiwan, with its unique beauty, has nurtured a characteristic world of brush and ink expression that includes influences by the environment and conveys an aesthetic of life and vitality.
Data source: The Collections in National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan