
駐關島辦事處長力促流浪動物絕育合作 背後有洋蔥




在辦事處舉辦的歡迎茶會上,關島副總督譚里諾(Joshua F. Tenorio)致詞表示,關島流浪動物高達6萬隻,但獸醫師數量極度短缺,是關島長久無解的難題。

他說,關島政府非常感謝辦事處促成興大跨海義診,充分展現「台灣可以幫忙且台灣正在幫忙」(Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping)的精神。






Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration Announces SNIP Program Kick-off

Source : 2022-8-2/Press Releases

The Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration announces an eight-day Spay & Neuter Island Pets (SNIP) Community Clinic Kick-off at the Mongmong-Toto-Maite Mayor’s Office weekdays from August 4 to August 15, 2022.

The Department of Agriculture (DOAG), in conjunction with Guam Animals In Need (GAIN), Boonie Flight Project (BFP), the University of Guam (UOG), and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO), planned the kick-off with visiting veterinarians from National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. Members of the public that signed up for the SNIP Clinic waiting list are currently being contacted via email to schedule their appointments. The clinic is scheduling 50 surgeries per day, for a total of 400 surgeries across the eight working days.

“Following this community kick-off, the SNIP Program will be officially open to the public, operating out of the Raulerson Spay & Neuter Clinic at the GAIN animal shelter,” said Governor Lou Leon Guerrero. “As we increase access to spay and neuter services, our Administration remains committed to ensuring public safety while making a sustainable impact on the stray population, decreasing animal suffering, and educating our community.”

“We strategically invested funding over the next five years to keep this program running and serving our community needs through an affordable change that will make a long-term difference,” said Lt. Governor Josh Tenorio. “With the support of experienced veterinarians, this clinic will provide an avenue for people who cannot afford to sterilize their pets and financial assistance to help our island’s only animal shelter make lasting progress.”

The SNIP Program will be funded by the Government of Guam over the next five years. Spay and neuter services will be provided at the Dr. Lynn Raulerson Spay and Neuter Clinic at GAIN for four to five days per week, in addition to quarterly sterilization campaigns at satellite clinics in various villages throughout the island.

If interested in spay or neuter services, fill out the interest form at snipclinicguam.com. For more information, contact the SNIP program at snip@guamanimals.org.