【第25屆傑出校友】韓綺葉學姐 土壤環境科學系62 年畢業
現職:President & CEO Han-Boone International, Inc.dba Fort Worth Gasket & Supply
1. 國際密封分銷協會主席 (2006)
2. 全美國亞裔商會董事會董事 (2004-2005)
3. 北德州製造商協會董事會董事 (2004-2005)
4. 傑出主席 Southlake Toastmasters Club(2003-2004)
5. 曾任多項組織的顧問、演講者和主持人 - 涵蓋美國國會員和參議院員參觀本廠、SBA Encore 眾論組、女性製造商企業、行銷執行長圓桌會議。


1. 韓綺葉校友創建的公司 2020、2021年由美國國防後勤局評選為前 500關鍵機動零組件重要廠商,2006 年獲得全美卓越「國防戰備機動聯盟獎」。2020 年由《財富》雜誌評選為全美大都市區成長最快前 100 家公司。
2. 2020 年由 D CEO 雜誌評選為達拉斯前 500 CEO 最具影響力商業領導者。
3. 認證 / 資格 & 參與 / 志工
自 2002 年以來,韓綺葉校友創立的公司 Fort Worth Gasket 已成為頂級DLA( 國防後勤局 )QSLD( 國防經銷商合格供應商 ) 之一,並自 2003 年以來獲得了國防品管自制系統的授權,自 2004 年以來又被批准為最大的美國海軍航空母艦和潛艇製造商的 SDI( 供應商委託檢驗 ) 供應商之一 ( 獲合格的廠商低於 1.5%)。
由於傑出的行業聲譽,韓綺葉校友被選中參加由時任勞工部部長Elaine Chau ( 趙小蘭 ) 與其他大、中、小型公司的高管,大學、學院校長、院長,共同主辦的 2002 年美國經濟發展高峰會議,貢獻她有見地的產業見解。
韓綺葉校友還應邀參加了 2018 年洛克希德馬丁公司的工程 / 技術會議,與來自大 / 中 / 小型公司的高管,大學 / 工程學院校長 / 院長,一起研討提供建議。
韓綺葉校友並獲選參與由德州參議員 Kay Bailey Hutchison 擔任主席之「企業與職業婦女領袖高峰會」。

4. 獲得 SBDC 頒發「卓越成就獎」。
5. 獲得 SBA 頒發「新興領袖獎」。
6. 獲得「商業和專業女性領導獎」。
7. 獲得大達拉斯亞裔商會頒發「女性創業傑出成就獎」。
8. 獲得美國國防後勤指揮官獎 - 社會貢獻及後援勝利支持 。
9. 獲得美國泛亞商會頒發「卓越商業成就獎」。
10. 獲得洛克希德馬丁頒發「卓越商業獎」。
11. 獲得美國商務部頒發著名的「MBDA 領袖獎」。
12. 獲得 NCTRCA 和 DFWMBC 頒發「企業特殊成就獎」。
13. 獲得BM DFW頒發「女性成就獎」。

 I am honored to be selected as one of 
the 25th Annual National Chung Hsing University Outstanding Alumni. I feel humbled to be recognized by the Selection Committee and nominated by the North Texas NCHU Alumni Association. 
 I am deeply grateful for the education I received at National Chung Hsing University. When I initially navigated unfamiliar business platforms, my NCHU education strengthened my confidence and helped me survive and thrive in a world and culture that I had no experience in. I want to thank the Soil Science Department楊策群教授 for his positive feedback on my senior project, and the knowledge I gained from the Statistic class. Decades later it shows how much they benefited my business career. I treasure the blessings of lifelong friendships made in my Soil Science class.
 Mostly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents for my upbringing and the values they instilled in me: honesty, kindness, perseverance, excellency, and hard work. I appreciate the encouragement and support from my late Husband, David, that extended my potential beyond its limits to achieve what I could never have imagined. Lastly, thanks to my children, Danny, and Derek, for their understanding and love during my frequent absences from home when we were struggling in the beginning years of our business. Especially, my thanks to Derek for his contributions to the company's growth in the past few years. They both have grown up to be fine young men.
 In addition, from the depths of my heart, I want to thank all my employees who made the company successful and reputable. There are so many people to thank. I owe to the US SBA Small Business programs for training as a prime defense contractor. I would not be where I am today without having many mentors along my journey, just to name a few: my brother韓志揚 , 林小君 , BG J. Cross, Mr. Brogan, D. LeFante, J. Hamilton, W. McGruder, R. Stouffer, Ms. D. Boyle, and M. King. Their wisdom and guidance have changed my mindset and broadened my horizons.
 I will always remember where I came from. I will do my best to assist future classes to reach their dreams. I encourage young minds to pursue their passions and explore all career options. Be independent, ethical, resilient, and innovative; work hard and smart; be the best of the best; and never give up.
  I was born in Taichung, Taiwan. I met my husband, David W. Boone, when we were working for Texas Instruments in Taiwan. He was an Expat and Operations Manager of my Department. I explored the United States from West to East coast, then decided it was OK to move to Texas. We were married in 1984 and I became a happy stay-at-home Mom for my two sons for the next 10 years.
 My late husband purchased an old, small manufacturing company in 1992 after he was laid off by TI. But the business was losing money, and my husband wanted to sell it. I doubted anyone would pay a premium for a business with a negative bottom line, so I joined the company in 1994 to help turn it around. When we incorporated the company in 1995, I became president. I utilized my past international exporting business skills to start importing commercial-grade fasteners from Taiwan to reduce our material costs and generate needed operating profits. After September 11, we expanded into US Federal Government contracting, which propelled revenue growth 900 percent in two years.
 Today, most of our business is for the Defense Logistics Agency, Ship Building, defense prime contractors, and various military branches. We also make gaskets and distribute seals for other industries such as pharmaceuticals, municipalities, energy, power, nuclear, and utilities. There are very few women who manufacture products to serve the defense industry and industrial customers. But my upbringing is what makes this work perfect for me.
 I came from a military family. My father was very strict, and I grew up with extremely high standards and expectations. Defense work requires precision and agility. It fits our business model because I’m very methodical and our work is very streamlined. I was raised to work harder than everyone else and give beyond 100 percent, always. It takes this type of personality to run a tight ship navigating the ins and outs of large defense contracts.
 Members of Congress are touring the manufacturing facilities of suppliers to the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier construction and maintenance program to learn firsthand how funding for the aircraft carrier program impacts skilled jobs and regional economies. We have highlighted some of those tours here:
 On November 6th, Representative Kay Granger (R-TX-12) toured the Fort Worth Gasket & Supply facility in Fort Worth, Texas to see firsthand the jobs and businesses that the production of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers brings to her district.